Chapter 13
Next Steps

This book is by deliberate choice an introduction to numerical methods for scientists and engineers that is concise. The idea is that brevity is the best way to grasp the big picture of computational approaches to problem solving. However, undoubtedly for some people the conciseness overstrains your background knowledge and requires an uncomfortably accelerated learning curve. If so, you may benefit by supplementing your reading with a more elementary text80.
For readers that have survived thus far without much extra help, congratulations! If you've really made the material your own by doing the exercises, you have a wide-ranging essential understanding of the application of numerical methods to physical science and engineering. That knowledge includes some background derivations and some practical applications, and will serve you in good stead in a professional career. It might be all you need, but it is by no means comprehensive
The conciseness has been achieved at the expense of omitting some topics that are without question important in certain applications. It is the purpose of this concluding chapter to give pointers, even more abbreviated than the preceding text, to some of these topics, and so open the doors for students who want to go further. Of course, all of this chapter is enrichment, and demands somewhat deeper thought in places. If for any topic you don't "get it" on a first reading, then don't be discouraged. References to detailed advanced textbooks are given.

13.1  Finite Element Methods

We have so far omitted two increasingly important approaches to solving problems for complicated boundary geometries: Unstructured Meshes and Finite Elements. Unstructured meshes enable us to accommodate in a natural way boundaries that are virtually as complicated as we like. The reason they are generally linked with finite element techniques is that the finite elements approach offers a systematic way to discretize partial differential equations on unstructured meshes. By contrast, it is far more ambiguous how to implement consistently finite differences on an unstructured mesh. Finite elements are somewhat less intuitive than finite differences, and somewhat more complex. On structured meshes they offer little advantage to compensate; and often result in difference schemes mathematically equivalent to finite differences. So there is far less incentive to use finite elements on structured meshes.
The crucial difference with finite elements lies in the way the approximation to the differential equation is formulated. We've seen that many of the equations we need to solve in physics and engineering are conservation equations. They can be expressed in differential form or in integral form. Most often they are derived in integral form, and then, recognizing that the domain over which the conservation applies is arbitrary, we conclude that the integrand must itself be zero. That is the differential form. The finite elements approach expresses the problem as being to minimize the weighted integral of a finite representation of the equation. So it is in a sense a return to integral form, but with a specific set of weightings that we will explain in a moment.
Consider an elliptic equation of the type that arises from diffusion and many other conservation principles:
∇.( D ∇ψ) + s(x) = 0.
Suppose we multiply this equation by a weight function w(x), and recognize that (for a differentiable w)
w ∇.(D∇ψ) = ∇.(wD∇ψ)− D(∇w).(∇ψ).
When we integrate it over the entire solution domain volume V whose surface is ∂V, then using Gauss's (divergence) theorem, we get
0 =

[w ∇.(D∇ψ) + w s] d3x

[−D(∇w).(∇ψ) + w s] d3x +

Remember that, provided ψ exactly satisfies the original differential equation, this integral equation is exactly satisfied for all possible weight functions, w. This fact is expressed by saying that the integral is a "weak form" of the differential equation. However, we are going to represent ψ by a functional form that has only a discrete number of parameters. Generically
ψ(x) = ϕb + N

ak ψk(x),
where ϕb is a known function that satisfies the boundary conditions, ψk is a discrete set of functions and ak are the parameters consisting of a set of coefficients to be found. This discrete ψ-representation will therefore satisfy the differential equation only approximately.
Boundary conditions on the surface ∂V are important. To avoid getting bogged down in discussing them, we assume that Dirichlet (fixed ψ) conditions are applied. By expressing ψ as the sum of the part we are solving for, that satisfies homogeneous boundary conditions ψ = 0, plus some known function ϕb that satisfies the inhomogeneous conditions but not the original equation, we simplify the functions ψk. They are all zero on the boundary.
One benefit of the right hand side of eq. (13.3) is that we now have only first-order derivatives of the dependent variable ψ. We can therefore permit ourselves the freedom of a ψ-representation with discontinuous gradient without inducing the infinities that would occur if we used the second-order form ∇. (D∇ψ). We still usually require ψ to be everywhere continuous to avoid infinities from ∇ψ. The general approach of finite elements is to require the residual, consisting of the right hand side of eq. (13.3), to be as close as possible to zero by adjusting the parameters determining ψ. That optimized situation will be the solution.
Of course, we need at least N equations to determine all the coefficients ak. These will be obtained from different choices of the weight function w. Naturally we also represent the range of possible weight functions discretely with a limited number of parameters (but at least N). The most common choice of w representation is to take it to be represented by exactly the same functions ψk. This choice makes sense since it allows the weight function approximately the same freedom as ψ itself; it would be unprofitable to apply far more detailed and flexible w functions than can be represented by ψ. This choice, which goes by the name Galerkin method, also gives rise to symmetric matrices, which is often advantageous.
Substituting the total ψ representation of eq. (13.4) in the integral expression eq. (13.3), and using for w one after the other the functions ψk, we get a set of N equations which can be written in matrix form as
Ka = f
where a is the column vector of coefficients ak to be determined. The N×N matrix K is symmetric, with coefficients
Kjk =

∇ψj . ∇ψk D  d3x.
And the column vector f has coefficient values
fj =

j s − ∇ψj.∇ϕb D ]  d3x.
In the mechanics field, which was where finite element techniques mostly grew up, K is called the stiffness matrix, f the force vector, and a the displacement vector.
This treatment has shown in principle how an integral approach can reduce our partial differential equation to a matrix equation, to which the various approaches to matrix inversion can be applied to find the solution. But to be specific, we need to decide what to use for the basis functions ψk. They are each defined over the entire domain, but it will greatly reduce the number of non-zero entries of K if we choose basis functions that are localized, i.e. have non-zero value only in a small region of the domain. Then when j and k refer to functions that are localized in non-overlapping local regions, their corresponding overlap integral Kjk is zero. Various choices of localized basis function are possible, but if we think of the function as being defined at a mesh of nodes xk, then a piecewise linear representation arises from basis functions that are identified with each node and vary linearly from unity at the node to zero at the adjacent nodes. In one dimension, these are "triangle functions" (sometimes called "tent" functions), whose derivatives are bipolar "box functions" as illustrated in Fig. 13.1.
Figure 13.1: Localized triangle functions in one dimension, multiplied by coefficients, sum to a piecewise linear total function. Their derivatives are box functions with positive and negative parts. They overlap only with adjacent functions.
Such a set of functions will give rise to a matrix K that is tridiagonal, just as was the case for finite differences in one dimension. Using smoother, higher order, functions representing the elements is sometimes advantageous. Cubic Hermite functions, and cubic B-splines are two examples. They lead to a matrix that is not quite as sparse, possessing typically seven non-zero diagonals (in 1-dimension). Their ability to treat higher-order differential equations efficiently compensates for the extra computational complexity and cost.
In multiple dimensions, the geometry becomes somewhat more complicated, but, for example, there is a straightforward extension of the piecewise linear treatment to an unstructured mesh of tetrahedra in three dimensions.
figures/lintetrahedron.png figures/tetrahedron.gif
Figure 13.2: In linear interpolation within a tetrahedron, the lines from a point p to the corner nodes of the tetrahedron, divide it into four smaller tetrahedra, whose volumes sum to the total volume. The interpolation weight of node k is proportional to the corresponding volume, Vk.
For any point within a particular tetrahedron, the interpolated value of the function is taken to be equal to a weighted sum of the values at the four corner nodes. The weight of each corner is equal to the volume of the smaller tetrahedron obtained by replacing the corner with the point of interest, divided by the total volume of the original tetrahedron, which Fig. 13.2 illustrates81. The ψk function associated with a node k is unity at that node and decreases linearly to zero along every connection leg to an adjacent node. The interpolation formula within a single tetrahedral element is then
ψ(p) = 4

Vk ak/V.
In the resulting matrix K the only non-zero overlap integrals (coefficients) for each row j are those for nodes k that connect to node j. The number of such connections is generally small, amounting to typically about ten per node, but depending on the details of the mesh. Therefore K is very sparse; and the necessary computational effort to obtain the solution can be greatly reduced when advanced sparse-matrix techniques are employed.
More complicated meshes are also possible, using as elements other polyhedra such as hexahedra (non-rectangular cubes). Also higher order interpolations of the solution within the elements are sometimes used. These lead to increasing complications in handling the geometrical aspects of the problem. (Even without these enhancements, the coding complications are already significant.) Generally, mesh-generation libraries or applications are used to construct the nodal mesh and its connections. Then the overlap integrals need to be evaluated to construct the matrix K and the vector f.82 In addition to open source libraries, many commercial computing packages provide the mechanisms for mesh generation, integration, and equation discretization, often with substantial graphical user interfaces to ease the process.

13.2  Discrete Fourier Analysis and Spectral Methods

A function f(t), defined over a finite range of its argument 0 ≤ t < T can be expressed in terms of a Fourier series of discrete frequencies ωn=2πνn=2πn/T as.
f(t) =

en t Fn ,
where the Fourier coefficient for integer n is
Fn = 1



e−iωn t f(t) dt.
Actually the expression (13.9) gives a function f(t) that is periodic in t with period T.
Numerical representations are not usually continuous; they are discrete. So suppose the function f is given only at uniformly spaced argument values tj = j ∆t for j=0,1,...,N−1, where ∆t = T/N, and write f(tj)=fj. Then these N discrete values83 of f allow us to determine only N Fourier coefficients. It is intuitive that these should be the N lowest (absolute) frequency components, since one clearly cannot meaningfully represent frequencies higher than roughly 1/∆t on this discrete mesh. The lowest N frequencies are those for which −N/2 < n ≤ N/2. This observation immediately refines the qualification of how high a frequency can be represented on a discrete mesh. The highest frequency84 has |n|=N/2, giving ωn=2πνn = 2πN/2T=π/∆t. This limit is called the Nyquist limit.
If, discarding all pretence at rigor, we decide to approximate f as a sum of Dirac delta functions
f(t) ≈


(which gives approximately correct integrals), then the integral for Fn (13.10) can be expressed approximately as a sum85:
Fn = 1



e−iωn t f(t) dt ≈ 1


e−iωn tj fj ∆t = 1


e−i2πn j/N fj.
Now we notice that the final expression for Fn is periodic with period N; that is, Fn+N=Fn. It is therefore convenient to consider the range of frequency index −N/2 < n ≤ N/2 to be re-ordered by replacing every negative n by the positive value n+N. Then n runs from 0 to N−1. One should remember, though that the upper half of this range really represents negative frequencies. Incidentally, the periodicity of Fn illustrates that one can equally well consider Fn to represent any frequency ν = (n+kN)/T with k an integer. That is because sampling a continuous function ei2π(n+kN)t/T at t=j∆t=j T/N gives values independent of k. Thus, all frequencies higher than the Nyquist limit ν = N/2T, contained in a continuous signal sampled discretely, are shifted into the Nyquist range and appear at a lower absolute frequency in the sampled representation. This effect is called aliasing.
The discrete Fourier transform and its inverse can thus be considered to be
fj = N−1

ei2πn j/N Fn ;        Fn = 1


e−i2πn j/N fj.
Substituting for Fn in this expression for fj, one obtains coefficients that are sums of the form

ei2πn j/Ne−i2πn j′/N

which is zero if j ≠ j′ and N if j=j′. Therefore these two equations are exact, and could have been simply adopted as definitions from the start. The discrete Fourier transforms need not be considered approximations to continuous transforms; but it is helpful to recognize their relationship to Fourier series representations of continuous functions.
Of course we aren't really interested in quantities that consist of a set of delta functions. If, instead of simply multiplying by ∆t, we convolve


with a triangle function that is unity at t=0 and descends linearly to zero at t=±∆t, then we will recover a piecewise linear function whose values at tj are fj. This is a much closer representation of the sort of function we might be considering.
The Fourier transform of a convolution of two functions is the product of their Fourier transforms.


e−ωn t

f(t′) g(t−t′) dt′dt =

e−ωn t′ f(t′) dt′

e−ωn t" g(t") dt".
Therefore the Fourier coefficients Fn corresponding to the piecewise linear form of f are the expressions in eq. (13.12) multiplied by the scaled Fourier transform of the triangle function, namely
Kn =

e−iωn t (1−|t|/∆t) dt/∆t = sin2n∆t/2)

So when dealing with continuous functions, and interpolating using the inverse transform, eq. (13.9), one ought probably to filter the signal in frequency space. Multiplying by the sinc-squared function Kn=sin2(zn)/ zn2, with znn∆t/2 is the equivalent of doing piecewise linear interpolation. At the highest absolute frequency, ωN/2, where ωn∆t/2 = π N ∆T/ T = π, the filter reaches its first zero. It modestly limits the frequency bandwidth of the signal.
It turns out to be possible to evaluate discrete Fourier transforms (by successively dividing the domain in half) much faster than implementing the N×N multiplications implied by performing the sums in eq. (13.12) one after the other. The algorithms that reduce the computational effort to of order Nln N multiplications are called Fast Fourier Transforms86. They, naturally enough, find important uses in spectral analysis and filtering. But, less obviously, they also provide powerful techniques for solving partial differential equations by representing the solution in terms of a finite number of Fourier coeffients, as an alternative to a finite number of discrete values.
Spectral representation is most powerful for linear problems in which there is an ignorable coordinate because of some inherent symmetry. In such situations each Fourier component becomes independent of the others. What's more, the Fourier components are the eigenmodes (in the direction of symmetry) of the problem. Consequently it is sometimes the case that including a very few such Fourier components, even as few as one, can represent the solution. In effect, this practically lowers the dimensionality of the problem by one, leading to major computational advantage. The equations can be formulated in terms of Fourier modes in the symmetry direction and finite differences in the other direction(s). For separable linear problems like this, there is actually no pressing need for the Fourier Transforms to be Fast, because the solution in space only needs to be reconstructed after the solution in terms of Fourier modes has been found.
If the equations to be solved are non-linear, however, or the symmetry is only approximate, then different Fourier modes are coupled together. Then a larger number of modes is necessary, and the computational advantage becomes less. Even so, there are sometimes substantial remaining benefits to a spectral representation, provided the Fourier transform is fast. The advantages can be understood as follows.
Suppose we have a partial differential equation in which we wish to represent the x coordinate by a Fourier expansion. The representations of the other coordinates and their differentials do not affect this question. Consider the equation to consist of a part that is linear in the dependent variable u, L(u) and a part that is quadratic M(u)N(u); so
L(u)+ M(u)N(u) = s(x).
Here L, M, N are linear x-differential operators, for example:
L(u) = ∂u

+ gu

. We represent u by a sum of N Fourier modes
u = N

eiknx Un

, where for an x-domain of length X, kn=2πn/X. Substituting a Fourier mode into a linear operator gives rise to an algebraic multiplier. For example

+ g
eiknx = (ik+g) eiknx

. So
L(u) =


, where Ln is the multiplier arising from L for the kn mode. The equations that determine the Un are found by Fourier transforming the differential equation we started with:



[L(u)+ M(u)N(u)] e−ikmx dx=Sm.
Substituting in the Fourier expansion of u, and using the orthonormal properties of the modes: ∫0X eiknx e−ikmx dx/X = δmn we get
Lm Um eikmx +

Ml Ul eiklx Nn Un eiknx = Sm
The sum arising from the quadratic term couples all the individual modal equations together. Without it they would be uncoupled. The coupling term has the form of a convolution sum. To evaluate the sum directly requires for each equation m that we evaluate on average N/2 terms, for a total computational multiplication count of approximately 2N2 (because there are four multiplications per term) per solution step. Generally a nonlinear equation must be solved by iterative steps in which the nonlinear term must be evaluated. An alternative way to evaluate the nonlinear term at each step is to transform back to x-space, perform the multiplication on the x-space M(u)N(u), and then fast Fourier transform (FFT) the product again to obtain the sum term for the Fourier mode equation (13.17). The differencing to evaluate the operators M and N costs a few multiplications, say p. The product for all N values u will then cost Np. And the two FFTs will be only approximately 2NlnN. Therefore the total cost of this alternative scales like N(2lnN+p). Thus, using the FFT approach reduces the 2N2 computational cost scaling to N(2lnN+p).
Some extra questions arise concerning aliasing, but this FFT approach is nevertheless used to good advantage for some applications.

13.3  Sparse Matrix Iterative Krylov Solution

We stopped our development of iterative linear system solution, which we saw in Chapter 6 is at the heart of solving most boundary-value differential equations, before introducing the most significant modern developments in this field. These are associated with the name of Krylov. Here we give the barest introduction. A modern text book should be consulted for more details. First, as far as terminology is concerned, the name refers to the use of the subspace of a vector space that is accessed by repeated multiplications by the same matrix. The Krylov subspace Kk(A,b) of dimension k generated by a matrix A from an initial vector b consists of all vectors that can be expressed in the form of a sum of coefficients times the vectors Aj b, for j=0,1,...,k−1. The expression Aj means matrix multiply the unit matrix I by A, j times.
The reason why this subspace is so important, is that it encompasses all the vectors that can be accessed by an iterative scheme that uses simply addition, scaling and multiplication by A. Multiplication by a sparse matrix involves far fewer computations than by a full matrix, or than inversion of a sparse matrix. Therefore iterative solution techniques that require only sparse matrix multiplications will be fast. Indeed the matrix itself may never need to be formed, all that is needed is an algorithm for multiplying by it. Let's consider how we might construct such an interative scheme for solving
Ax = b
for x given b. After say k iterations, we have a vector xk which we hope is nearly the solution. The extent to which it is not yet the solution is given by the extent to which the residual rk ≡ (bAxk) is non-zero. If the matrix A is not very different from the identity matrix, then an intuitive scheme for obtaining the next iteration vector xk+1 would be to add the residual to xk and take xk+1 = xk + rk. In practice it is better to use an increment pk chosen to be like rk, but "conjugate" to previous increments (in a sense to be explained), and scaled by a coefficient αk chosen to minimize the resulting residual rk+1. Thus xk+1 = xk + αkpk, which means
rk+1 = rk−αkApk.
Different schemes use different choices of pk and αk. The search direction pk, is chosen to be
pk = Prk + k−1

where P is an optional matrix, omitted (or, equivalently, the identity) in the simplest case. The coefficients βkj are chosen so as to satisfy the conjugacy condition that we'll specify in a moment (eq. 13.23).
If we start from an initial vector x0=0, so r0=b (without loss of generality87), each Prk and pk generated by the iteration, consists of sums of terms like (PA)jPb with 0 ≤ j < k. In other words, they are members of the Krylov subspace Kk(PA,Pb). The general description "Krylov" technique applies to all approaches that use this repeated multiplication process.88
We suppose that minimizing the residual is taken to mean minimimizing a bilinear form rk+1TRrk+1, where R is a fixed symmetric matrix to be chosen later. Setting the differential of this form with respect to αk equal to zero we get
whose solution is
αk = pTkATRrk/pTkATRApk,
and which gives a new residual rk+1 that is orthogonal (in the sense of eq. (13.21): pTkATRrk+1=0) to the search direction. The conjugacy condition on the search directions is then taken to be that
pTjATRApk=0    for    j ≠ k
which requires89 (substituting from eq. 13.20)
βkj = −pTjATRAPrk/pTjATRApj
The residual minimization process produces a series of residuals and search directions having orthogonality properties that can be used to advantage. The first property is Mutual Orthogonality, which is that
pTjATRrk = 0     for all k  and all j < k.
This fact follows inductively, assuming that the condition holds up to k. Premultiplying eq. (13.19) by pjATR gives
pTjATRrk+1 = pjATRrk − αkpjATRApk.
For j < k the right hand side's first term is zero by hypothesis and the second is zero by conjugacy (13.23). For j=k, the left hand side is zero by eq. (13.21). Therefore mutual orthogonality holds up to k+1 and so for all k.
The second property is Residual Orthogonality. This follows from Mutual Orthogonality. Because pj and Prj (j < k) span the same Krylov subspace, orthogonality of a vector to all of one set implies orthogonality to all of the other. Therefore we can replace the pj in eq. (13.25) with Prj and conclude
(Prj)TATRrk = rTkRTAPrj = 0     for all k and all j < k.
The final property is obtained by premultiplying eq. (13.20) by rTkRTA which demonstrates that the non-zero scalar products with rk of pk and Prk are the same:
rTkRTApk = rTkRTAPrk.
The first of these is equal to the denominator of αk, in eq. (13.22).
Residual Orthogonality enables us to demonstrate conditions on an expression nearly the same as the numerator of βkj. We premultiply a version of eq. (13.19) using index j by rTkRTAP to get (for j < k)
rTkRTAPrj+1 = rTkRTAPrj − αj rTkRTAPApj.
The first term on the right hand side is zero by Residual Orthogonality. The left hand side is also zero by Residual Orthogonality except when j=k−1. Therefore, the combination rTkRTAPApj = pTjATPTATRrk is zero except when j=k−1. This last form is equal to the numerator of βkj provided that
(1) P and A are symmetric,
(2) (AP) and (AR) commute.
Those conditions are sufficient to ensure that only one of the βkj, namely βk,k−1, is non-zero. It can be rewritten
βk,k−1 = rTkRTAPrk/rTk−1RTAPrk−1,
and αk is also generally rewritten as
αk = rTkRTAPrk/ pTkATRApk.
There is a major advantage to the property of having only one non-zero β coefficient, which we'll call the "currency-property". It is that the iteration requires only the current residual and search direction vectors, rather than all the previous vectors back to zero. In big problems, the vectors are long. Keeping all of them would require costly increase of storage space, and of arithmetic.
Having done the derivation for a general choice of bilinear matrix R and matrix P, we can consider various different popular iteration schemes90 as examples with different choices of R and P.
The Conjugate Gradient algorithm takes R=A−1 and P=I. The inverse of A is not required to be calculated because R (which equals RT) always appears multiplied by A. Conjugacy is then pTjApk=0, and Orthogonality is rTjrk=0. We require A to be symmetric for the scheme to work.
A different choice is called the Minimum Residual scheme, R=I and P=I, in which α is chosen to mimimize rTk+1rk+1, with the result that Conjugacy is pjATApk and Mutual Orthogonality is pTATrk=0. This scheme again satisfies the conditions for only βk,k−1 to be non-zero, provided that A is symmetric. It then has efficiency similar to the Conjugate Gradient scheme.
If A is not symmetric, then if we wish the currency-property to hold, permitting us to retain only current vectors, we must implement a compound scheme in which the compound matrix Ac is symmetric. The best way to do this is usually the Bi-conjugate Gradient scheme, in which the iteration is applied to compound vectors






, and


Ac =

, Rc=Ac−1 and
Pc =

. Since AcRc=Ic the commutation requirements are immediately fulfilled. The extra costs of this scheme compared with the Conjugate Gradient scheme are its doubled vector length91, and the requirement to be able to multiply by AT as well as by A. It is generally much more efficient than other approaches to symmetrization, such as writing ATAx=ATb, even when ATA retains sparsity properties. The Bi-conjugate Gradient scheme has essentially the same range of eigenvalues as the original matrix, whereas ATA squares the eigenvalues.
Unfortunately the same matrix symmetrization approach does not work for the Minimum Residual scheme, because the commutation properties are not preserved. For non-symmetric matrices one requires a Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method92. It does not symmetrize the matrix, and does not possess the currency-property. It therefore needs to retain multiple older vectors to implement its conjugacy, and so requires more storage. To limit the growth of storage, it needs to be restarted after a moderate number of steps. The iterations are often called after the name of their inventor, Arnoldi. So GMRES is a "restarted Arnoldi" method. It leads to a somewhat more complicated but also quite robust scheme.
Solution of a set of nonlinear differential equations over a large domain of N mesh points is not itself just a linear system solution. Suppose the equations for the entire domain can be written
f(v) = 0.
where f is a vector function whose N different components represent the (e.g.) finite difference equations obeyed at all the mesh points, and v represents the N unknowns (typically the values at the mesh points) being solved for. The most characteristic solution method for such a system is a multidimensional Newton's method. We define the Jacobian matrix of f as the square N×N matrix
J(v) = f

Then Newton's method is a series of iterations of the form
Jδv = −f(v)
where δv is the change from one Newton step to the next, and J evaluated at the current v position must be used. The question is, how to solve this to find δv? Well, each Newton step now is a linear problem, so the techniques we've been discussing apply. For the big sparse systems we get from differential equations, we want to apply an iterative scheme for each solve of δv. So we are dealing with a lower level of iteration. (There are Newton iterations of iterative solves.) If an iterative Krylov technique is used for the δv solve, then we only need to multiply by the Jacobian matrix; we don't actually need to form it explicitly. The multiplication of any vector u by the Jacobian in the vicinity of v can be treated approximately as
Ju ≈ [−f(vu)−f(v)]/ϵ,
where ϵ is a suitable small parameter. Therefore, rather than calculating and storing the big Jacobian matrix, all one requires, to perform a multiplication of a vector by it, is to evaluate the function f at two nearby vs separated by a vector proportional to u. This approach goes by the name "Jacobian-free Newton Krylov" method.
At the beginning of this section, the idea of iterative solution was motivated by the supposition that A is not very different from the identity matrix so that the natural vector update is rk. The speed of convergence of the iterations of any Krylov method gets faster the closer to I the matrix is93. It is therefore usually well worth the effort to transform the system so that A is close to identity. This process is called preconditioning. It consists of seeking a solution to the modified, yet equivalent, equation
C−1 A x = C−1 b
where C is easy to invert and is "similar to A" in the sense that C−1 well approximates the inverse of A. In point of fact, our general treatment already incorporated the possibility of preconditioning. The matrix P serves precisely the role of C−1. One does not generally multiply by C−1, and one may not even find it. Instead, the preconditioning is woven into the iterative solution by finding a preconditioned residual z, which formally equals Pr, but is in practice the solution of Cz = r. Therefore the combined iterative algorithm is
1. Update the residual r (=bA x), via rk=rk−1−αk−1Apk−1.
2. Solve the system Czk = rk to find the preconditioned residual zk.
3. Update the search direction using zk, via pk = zk−βk,k−1pk−1.
4. Increment k and repeat from 1.
We've already encountered a preconditioner. In the Bi-conjugate gradient scheme it was formally the compound matrix
Cc=Pc−1 =

. It makes

, which is closer to Ic than Ac is, and will be as close as A is to I. That is why the Bi-conjugate gradient scheme has the same condition number as the original asymmetric matrix A. We might be able to do even better than this by making the compound preconditioner
Cc =

, giving

. Here C is the additional preconditioner chosen as an easily inverted approximation to A.
There are many other possible preconditioners for Krylov schemes. The preconditioning step 2 might even itself consist of some modest number of steps of an iterative matrix solver of a different type, for example approximate SOR inversion of A. In a sense, then, preconditioning interleaves two different approximate matrix solvers together, in an attempt to gain the strengths of both. In order to preserve the currency-property and avoid retaining past residuals, we must observe the commutation and symmetry requirements. Conjugate gradient schemes take AR=I and so always commute. The only other requirements are that the preconditioning matrix (as well as A) be symmetric so that P=C−1 is symmetric (which requires that C be symmetric). The GMRES scheme does not possess the currency-property; so it does not have to use symmetric preconditioning.
At the very least, any Krylov system should be Jacobi preconditioned. The Jacobi C consists of the diagonal matrix whose elements are the diagonals of A. Jacobi preconditioning is completely equivalent to scaling the rows of the system so that all of the matrix diagonal entries become one. It is usually most efficient simply to perform that scaling rather than using an explicit Jacobi preconditioner. When all the diagonal entries are already equal, as they are for many cases where A represents spatial finite differences, the system is already effectively Jacobi preconditioned. Other preconditioners generally require specific sparse-matrix partial decomposition in order to minimize their costs. It is hard to predict their computational advantage. Sometimes they dramatically reduce the number of iterations, but for sparse matrices they also generally significantly increase the arithmetic per iteration.

13.4  Fluid Evolution Schemes

13.4.1  Incompressible fluids and pressure correction

In Chapter 7 we saw that for fluid flow speed small compared with the sound speed



the CFL criterion forced us to take small timesteps ∆t ≤ ∆x /cs. So, as the sound speed gets greater (compared with other speeds of interest) an explicit solution of a certain time duration requires more and more, smaller and smaller time-steps. It becomes a stiff system, of the type discussed in section 2.3, in which a large disparity exists between the scales of different modes. Now cs increases if γ becomes large. Remember we've expressed the equation of state as p ∝ ργ. A large value of γ arises if the fluid in question is very incompressible. Formally, a completely incompressible fluid is represented by the limit γ→ ∞, in which the sound speed becomes infinite. For large γ, it takes a large increase in pressure to cause a small increase in density. Solving nearly incompressible fluid equations using an explicit approach, like the Lax-Wendroff scheme, will be computationally costly. This is a generic problem for all types of hyperbolic problems. It arises because of having to represent a large range of velocity all the way from the velocities of interest up to the speed of propagation of the fastest wave in the problem (the sound wave in our example).
However, very often we actually don't care much about the propagation of very fast sound waves. They aren't of interest, for example, in many problems concerning the flow of liquids94 In these cases, we don't want to have to represent the sound waves; we just want them to go away. But if we treat the fluid equations explicitly with tolerable sized timestep, they don't go away; instead they become unstable. What do we do? We use a numerical scheme which treats the sound waves implicitly, rather than explicitly.
The Navier Stokes equation (7.7) is

v)+∇p=∇.(ρvv) −μ∇2 v + F=G.
where we've gathered the advective, viscous, and body forces together into G for convenience. Linear sound waves can be derived by setting G=0 and taking the divergence of the remainder which, invoking continuity, becomes
2 ρ

= ∇2p

. Since an equation of state converts ρ-variation into p-variation, it becomes a simple wave equation. This observation shows that it is the left hand side of eq. (13.37), the relation between p and ρv, that we need to make implicit in order to stabilize sound waves. If we are advancing eq. (13.37) by steps ∆t in time, then an explicit scheme could be written
v)(n+1)−(ρv)(n) = ∆t (−∇p(n)+G(n)).
When a fluid is essentially incompressible, the equation of state can be considered95 to be ∇.(ρv)=0. If ρv is to satisfy the continuity equation ∇.(ρv)=0 at time-step n+1, then the divergence of eq. (13.38) gives a Poisson equation for p(n):
2 p(n) = ∇.G(n)+ ∇.(ρv)(n)/∆t.
The pressure p(n) is determined by solving this Poisson equation. Note that the second term on the right would be zero if prior steps of the scheme were exact. It can be considered a correction term to prevent build up of divergence error. Once having determined p(n) we can then solve for (ρv)(n+1). That's an explicit scheme.
To obtain an implicit scheme we want to use values for the n+1 step in the right hand side of eq. (13.38), especially for p. The problem (as always in implicit schemes) is that we don't know the new (n+1 step) values explicitly until the advance is completed. They are not available for simple substitution. However, we can treat the pressure approximately implicitly by a two step process. First we calculate an intermediate estimate (ρv)(n*) of the new flux density by a momentum equation update using the old pressure gradient ∇p(n) (a step that's explicit in pressure) as (ρv)(n*) = (ρv)(n) +∆t (−∇ p(n)+G(n)). Next, we calculate a correction ∆p to the pressure to make it mostly implicit by solving the Poisson equation ∇2 ∆p(n) = ∇.[(ρv)(n*)−(ρv)(n)]/∆t. Then we update the flux to our approximately implicit expression: (ρv)(n+1)=(ρv)(n*) − ∆t∇(∆p(n)). A number of variations on this theme of "pressure correction" have been used in numerical fluid schemes96. When treating plasmas as fluids, for example using magnetohydrodynamics, various anisotropic fast and slow waves appear and several methods for eliminating unwanted fast waves have been developed97.

13.4.2  Nonlinearities, shocks, upwind and limiter differencing

When flow velocities are in the vicinity of the sound speed, a different sort of difficulty arises in treating compressible fluids numerically. It is that nonlinearity becomes important and fluids can develop abrupt changes of parameters over short length scales that are called shocks. The problem with the Lax-Wendroff and similar schemes in such a context is that when encountering such abruptly changing fluid structures they generate spurious oscillations. This happens because such second-order accurate difference schemes are dispersive. Waves of short wavelength experience numerical phase shifts arising from the discrete approximations. It is these dispersive phase shifts that cause the oscillations.
A family of methods that avoids generating spurious oscillations are those that use upwind differencing. These methods are one-sided finite spatial differences, always using the upwind side of the location in question. In other words, if the fluid velocity is in the positive x-direction, then the gradient of a quantity Q at mesh node i is taken to be given by (Qi−Qi−1)/∆x. If, however, the velocity is in the negative direction it is taken as (Qi+1−Qi)/∆x. The upwind choice has the effect of stabilizing the time evolution, which is advantageous. They also avoid introducing spurious non-monotonic (oscillatory) behavior. But unfortunately these schemes have rather poor accuracy. They are only first-order in space, and they introduce very strong artificial (numerical) dissipation of perturbations that ought physically not to be damped.
There is a nonlinear way to combine higher order accuracy with the maintenance of monotonic behavior (hence suppressing spurious oscillations). It is to limit the gradients so as to prevent oscillations occurring. Oscillations are measured generally in the form of the "Total Variation"


. This quantity is equal to the difference between the end points for a monotonic series, but is larger if there are regions of non-monotonic behavior. A Limiter method will avoid introducing extra oscillations if it never increases the total variation; i.e. it is "Total Variation Diminishing" (TVD). When these ideas are combined with a representation of the fluid variables as being given by their average value over a cell, together with a gradient within the cell that does not necessarily imply continuity at the cell boundary, it is possible to define consistently schemes that have greater fidelity in representing abrupt fluid transitions98. Nevertheless, care must be exercised in interpreting fluid behavior in the vicinity of regions of variation with scale length comparable to the mesh spacing. It is always safer if possible to ensure that the fluid variation is resolved by the mesh. If it is, then the Lax-Wendroff scheme will give second-order accurate results.

13.4.3  Turbulence

Turbulence refers to unsteady behavior in fluids flowing fast enough to generate flow instabilities. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is the most natural way to solve a problem in which all the length scales of the turbulence can be resolved. It consists of choosing domain size large enough to encompass the largest scale of the problem, while dividing it into a fine enough mesh to resolve the smallest scale of the turbulence. The smallest scale is generally that at which viscosity μ damps out the fluid eddies. We express the order of magnitude of gradients as 1/L: in terms of a length scale L. Then the nonlinear inertial term, ∇.(ρvv), is balanced by the viscous term approximately when ReL ≡ ρvL L/μ is of order unity. Here vL is the velocity associated with eddies of scale L, and ReL is the "Reynolds number" at scale L. It is approximately unity at the finest fluid scale of the problem. The Reynolds number of the macroscopic flow (Re) is given approximately by substituting the typical large-scale size and flow velocity into this definition. The critical Re at which turbulence sets in is generally somewhere between a few thousand and a few hundred thousand, depending upon geometry. Typical situations can easily give rise to macroscopic Reynolds numbers of 106 or more99. Because the ratio of largest to smallest eddy-scale can therefore be very great (often estimated as Re3/4), the DNS approach eventually becomes computationally infeasible.
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) seeks to moderate the computational demands through an approximation that filters out all effects smaller than a certain length scale. Fig. 13.3 helps to explain this process. The turbulence scale length can be expressed as a wave-number k ∼ 2π/L, in a Fourier transform of the perturbations. The turbulence k-spectrum is artificially cut off at a value that is generally well below the physical range embodied in the turbulence, i.e. below the viscous dissipation range where ReL ∼ 1. This spatial filtering permits a less refined mesh to represent the problem. The effects of the range that is artificially cut off can be reintroduced in an approximate way into the equations solved. This has most often been done in the form of an effective eddy viscosity added to the Navier Stokes equations. However, fit estimates for the magnitude of the eddy viscosity are rather uncertain100.
Figure 13.3: Schematic energy spectrum E(k) of turbulence as a function of wave number k=2π/L. There is an inertial range where theory (and experiments) indicate that a cascade of energy towards smaller scales gives rise to a power law E(k) ∝ k−5/3. Eventually viscosity terminates the cascade. LES artificially cuts it off at lower k.
In fact, the finite resolution of a discrete grid representation gives rise to an effective k cut-off in any case. If a difference scheme is used that introduces sufficient dissipation (not just aliasing and dispersion), it is sometimes presumed that no explicit additional filtering is essential.
The Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) is an even more approximate treatment, which averages over all relevant time scales leaving only the steady part of the flow. Therefore essentially all the turbulence effects must be represented in the form of effective transport coefficients. If we ignore for simplicity any variation in density ρ, then when we time average the Navier Stokes equation (13.37) all the terms except ∇.(ρvv) are linear. Therefore their average is simply the average value of the corresponding quantity. The non-linear term, though, in addition to the product of the averaged quantities, will give rise to a contribution consisting of the average of the square of the fluctuating part of v, i.e. the divergence of

where the over tilde


denotes the fluctuating part and angular brackets denote time average. The average of the fluctuating part of a quantity is zero, but the average of the square of a fluctuation101 is in general non-zero. This extra (tensor) term

is called the Reynolds Stress. In order to solve the RANS equations, one requires a way to estimate the Reynolds Stress term from the properties of the time-averaged solution. This is done by writing down higher-order moment equations and averaging them, which gives rise to an equation for the evolution of the Reynolds Stress tensor. That equation contains various other terms, including a third order tensor of the form

. The system of equations is "closed" by adopting an approximate form for the Reynolds stress evolution equation where all the terms can be evaluated from knowledge of the flow quantities and the Reynolds stress.102. That equation is guided by theory but with coefficients fitted to experiments. These fits are called "correlations" and lead in general to a complicated tensor evolution equation. The time-averaged Navier Stokes equation and the Reynolds stress tensor evolution equation together form a composite system that is then solved numerically.